Will this kind of change require me to make my own Laundry Detergent?

No. Not unless you want to. I have never made laundry soap. My goal is to help you be successful, making laundry soap is not sustainable for most people. Making your own detergent/soap is not necessary. This kind of change is not to make you more “crunchy” but to help you be safer by wisely choosing safer products.

Is this a fancy front to for a MLM plot?

Sincerely, no. The mission of LightenUp Simply is to help people succeed at reducing the chemical burden in their body put there by everyday routines and products used at home.  One tool I personally employ to do this for my family is Essential Oils (though it is not necessary for everyone). EOs can contain harmful chemicals and have reduced potency because of how the plants they come from are grown and processed.  EOs should be used responsibly and with knowledge (and I agree that there is a lot of over-use going on). The oils I know best are the ones I am able to recommend.  One of the brands of oils I know best, because I use them regularly, is sold by a MLM company. This means that I can sell them, but it doesn’t mean that that is my goal. Please look at the essential oils page for further information.  This topic can be discussed in the consultation.

What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?

I’ll return your money within 30 days of your personal consultation.

How do I schedule the personal consultation?

Fill out the form on the page you are directed to when you complete your purchase on PayPal.  When I receive your contact information from this form, I will contact you personally to schedule the consultation.

I’m having trouble downloading the LightenUp Recommendations document.

When you complete your purchase through PayPal, you will be directed to a new page. The LightenUp Recommendations are found by following the link on that page. Please contact me if you have completed your purchase and still can’t find them.

What should I do with all the chemical based products I no longer use?

Go to safe disposal of household cleaning products guide here.

There are some products you may wish to give to someone who will still value them.  This reduces waste, but it’s important to give them to someone whose use of them will not affect you (someone whose home you don’t usually visit, or you don’t share an office with them, etc.) Giving products away will also give you the opportunity to share about what you are doing and why – which will likely grow our LightenUp revolution.

For everything else, remember that these things can harm you and its best to dispose of them as quickly as possible. Don’t get bogged down in this! Remember that even using these products is like a slow disposal of them into the environment which isn’t much better than throwing them in the trash.

Return recently purchased items to the store. Check the label on each product and use this guide for further help.

How does switching to natural products affect my health?

First, read this article to see how chemical based cleaning products can affect your health. Then ask yourself “Doesn’t it make sense that removing all those kind of products from use in my home would be quite beneficial?”